Creates a payment
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The details of the payment to create
PaymentProvider required | string (PaymentProvider) Available payment providers
| ||||||
Currency required | string <ISO-4217> (Currency) The ISO-4217 currency code used by the practice. | ||||||
CustomerId | string A unique identifier for the customer | ||||||
Reference | string The PMS reference for the payment | ||||||
StatementDescriptor | string <= 22 characters A description for the payment that will appear on the customer's statement | ||||||
FeeAmount | integer <int64> The fee amount (if any) that will be applied to the payment. The amount collected will be capped at the total payment amount. | ||||||
Array of objects (PaymentLineItem) The history of state changes the payment has gone through | |||||||
UiMode | string (PaymentUiMode) Available client payment modes
| ||||||
SuccessUrl | string <uri> The URL to redirect the customer to after a successful payment (in hosted UI mode) | ||||||
CancelUrl | string <uri> If set, Stripe checkout displays a back button where customers will be sent if they cancel the payment |
The details of the created payment
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "PaymentProvider": "Stripe",
- "Currency": "USD",
- "CustomerId": "string",
- "Reference": "INV-1234",
- "StatementDescriptor": "string",
- "FeeAmount": 100,
- "LineItems": [
- {
- "Price": 1000,
- "Quantity": 1,
- "ProductName": "Whitening Toothpaste",
- "ProductDescription": "string",
- "TaxBehaviour": "Inclusive"
], - "UiMode": "Hosted",
{- "PaymentProvider": "Stripe",
- "RecordId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "PaymentId": "pi_3MtwBwLkdIwHu7ix28a3tqPa",
- "Reference": "INV-1234",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "Currency": "USD",
- "CustomerId": "string",
- "StatementDescriptor": "string",
- "FeeAmount": 100,
- "TipAmount": 100,
- "History": [
- {
- "Timestamp": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "Description": "Payment completed successfully",
- "Status": "Completed"
Creates an account for the site with the specified payment provider
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The details of the payment to create
The details of the created account and the session and link to complete onboarding
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "paymentProvider": "Stripe",
{- "account": {
- "accountId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "paymentProvider": "Stripe",
- "status": "None",
- "createdAt": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "externalAccountId": "string"
}, - "onboardingSession": {
- "session": "_OXIKXxEihJokDBnDoe2sgG5OGSO2Q12shKvbeboxpALZGng",
- "expiresAt": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00"
}, - "onboardingLink": {
- "expiresAt": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00"
List all payment provider accounts for the site
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The details of the payment accounts
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
[- {
- "accountId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "paymentProvider": "Stripe",
- "status": "None",
- "createdAt": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "externalAccountId": "string"
Gets the details of a payment provider account by ID
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
AccountId required | string <uuid> The unique identifier of the payment account Example: 44088399-d916-4de5-9f0a-dca7b3d07df2 |
The details of the payment account
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "accountId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "paymentProvider": "Stripe",
- "status": "None",
- "createdAt": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "externalAccountId": "string"
Delete a payment provider account by ID
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
AccountId required | string <uuid> The unique identifier of the payment account Example: 44088399-d916-4de5-9f0a-dca7b3d07df2 |
The details of the deleted payment account
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "accountId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
Gets the details of a payment by ID
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
PaymentIdentifier required | string <uuid> The unique identifier of the payment Example: 44088399-d916-4de5-9f0a-dca7b3d07df2 |
The details of the payment
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "PaymentProvider": "Stripe",
- "RecordId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "PaymentId": "pi_3MtwBwLkdIwHu7ix28a3tqPa",
- "Reference": "INV-1234",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "Currency": "USD",
- "CustomerId": "string",
- "StatementDescriptor": "string",
- "FeeAmount": 100,
- "TipAmount": 100,
- "History": [
- {
- "Timestamp": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "Description": "Payment completed successfully",
- "Status": "Completed"