Endpoints for updating site details, configuring the practice site and advertising capabilities
Updates the details of a practice site in the Slipstream practice registry
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The details of the practice site to onboard
PmsSpecificSiteId | string (PmsSpecificPracticeId) The PMS-specific id that uniquely identifies a physical practice |
Name | string or null The human-readable name for the practice. |
object (StreetAddress) Information about a street address. | |
object (StreetAddress) Information about a street address. | |
PhoneNumber | string <phone> (PhoneNumber) Contact phone number for in E.164 format |
EmailAddress | string <email> (Email) An email address |
ApplicationVersion | string <version> (Version) The version of the software that the practice is running |
Currency | string <ISO-4217> (Currency) The ISO-4217 currency code used by the practice. |
WebsiteUrl | string or null <uri> A URL to the website for the practice. |
LogoUrl | string or null <uri> A URL to the logo for the practice. |
PrivacyPolicyUrl | string or null <uri> A URL to the privacy policy for the practice. |
property name* additional property | any |
Practice site details
Practice site details
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "Name": "DentalCare Clinic",
- "Address": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "PostalAddress": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "PhoneNumber": "+1 555-555-5555",
- "EmailAddress": "john.smith@example.com",
- "ApplicationVersion": "1.2.3",
- "Currency": "USD",
{- "Name": "The Friendly Dentist",
- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "SiteSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC"
Fetches the full details of a practice site in the slipstream practice registry
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The details of the requested practice site
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "SiteSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "Name": "DentalCare Clinic",
- "Address": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "PostalAddress": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "Coordinates": {
- "Latitude": 37.7749,
- "Longitude": -122.4194
}, - "PhoneNumber": "+1 555-555-5555",
- "EmailAddress": "john.smith@example.com",
- "ApplicationVersion": "1.2.3",
- "Currency": "USD",
- "GooglePlaceId": "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4",
- "SiteStatus": "Operational",
Updates the logo of a practice site in the Slipstream practice registry
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The logo of the practice site
The details of the practice file upload
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Url": "string"
Deletes the logo file of a practice site in the Slipstream practice registry
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
Logo removed (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Updates the privacy policy of a practice site in the Slipstream practice registry
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The privacy policy of the practice site
The details of the practice file upload
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Url": "string"
Deletes the privacy policy document of a practice site in the Slipstream practice registry
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
Privacy policy removed (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Fetches the list of functionality that a practice site (and the software it is using) supports. See Capabilities for more details.
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "enabledCapabilities": [
- "Billing"
Adds a single capability to the list of functionality that the practice site supports. See Capabilities for more details.
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC | ||||||||||||||
capability required | string (Capability) The capability to add to the practice, see Capabilities for more details.
Example: Billing |
Already present (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Checks if the practice supports a capability. See Capabilities for more details.
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC | ||||||||||||||
capability required | string (Capability) The capability to add to the practice, see Capabilities for more details.
Example: Billing |
Capability Status
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
Removes a capability from a practice. See Capabilities for more details.
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC | ||||||||||||||
capability required | string (Capability) The capability to add to the practice, see Capabilities for more details.
Example: Billing |
Capability removed (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"