Queues an email for sending on behalf of the practice
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The details of the email to send
The response of the physical letter sending request
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "PmsSpecificId": "{064a5f0e-0b0e-4e1e-8e1e-0e0e0e0e0e0e}",
- "To": [
- {
- "address": "john.smith@example.com",
- "displayName": "John Smith"
], - "Cc": [
- {
- "address": "john.smith@example.com",
- "displayName": "John Smith"
], - "Bcc": [
- {
- "address": "john.smith@example.com",
- "displayName": "John Smith"
], - "Subject": "This is a test email",
- "Body": "Here is the body of the email",
- "BodyHtml": "<p>Here is the body of the email</p>",
- "SenderProperties": {
- "SenderName": "MyDentalClinic",
- "SenderDisplayName": "My Dental Clinic",
- "SenderDomain": "default"
{- "Id": "064a5f0e-0b0e-4e1e-8e1e-0e0e0e0e0e0e",
- "PmsSpecificId": "064a5f0e0b0e4e1e8e1e0e0e0e0e0e0e"
Gets the status of an email sent on behalf of the practice
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
EmailId required | string <uuid> The Id that uniquely identifies the email in Slipstream Example: 44088399-d916-4de5-9f0a-dca7b3d07df2 |
The response of the physical letter sending request
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Id": "064a5f0e-0b0e-4e1e-8e1e-0e0e0e0e0e0e",
- "PmsSpecificId": "064a5f0e0b0e4e1e8e1e0e0e0e0e0e0e",
- "Status": "Unknown"