Creates a practice site in the slipstream practice registry and returns a unique identifier and API Keys which can be used on the site APIs
The details of the practice to onboard
Name required | string The human-readable name for the practice. |
object (StreetAddress) Information about a street address. | |
object (StreetAddress) Information about a street address. | |
PhoneNumber | string <phone> (PhoneNumber) Contact phone number for in E.164 format |
EmailAddress | string <email> (Email) An email address |
OwningOrganisationSlug | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ A URL-safe unique identifier for an entity (See Sqids) |
BillingOrganisationSlug | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ A URL-safe unique identifier for an entity (See Sqids) |
Currency | string <ISO-4217> (Currency) The ISO-4217 currency code used by the practice. |
Practice site details with API keys
Practice site details with API keys
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Name": "DentalCare Clinic",
- "Address": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "PostalAddress": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "PhoneNumber": "+1 555-555-5555",
- "EmailAddress": "",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "Currency": "USD"
{- "Identity": {
- "Name": "The Friendly Dentist",
- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "SiteSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC"
}, - "PracticeSiteApiKeys": {
- "PrimaryKey": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
- "SecondaryKey": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
Deletes a practice site from the slipstream practice registry. Will also delete the owning organisation if this is the last practice in the organisation.
X-Practice-Management-Software | string (PracticeManagementSoftware) The intended practice management software for the request, used to disambiguate a pms specific identifier when you have access to multiple PMS systems. Omit this if you only have access to a single PMS.
The details of the practice deleted, and any organisations which were deleted along with it
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
curl -i -X DELETE \ '{SiteIdentifier}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'X-Practice-Management-Software: Unknown'
{- "Identity": {
- "Name": "The Friendly Dentist",
- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "SiteSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC"
}, - "DeletedOrganisation": {
- "Name": "All your teeth are belong to us LTD",
- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificOrganisationId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "OrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC"
Fetches the identity of a given practice in slipstream and API Keys which can be used on the other endpoints
X-Practice-Management-Software | string (PracticeManagementSoftware) The intended practice management software for the request, used to disambiguate a pms specific identifier when you have access to multiple PMS systems. Omit this if you only have access to a single PMS.
Practice site details with API keys
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
curl -i -X GET \ '{SiteIdentifier}/identity' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'X-Practice-Management-Software: Unknown'
{- "Identity": {
- "Name": "The Friendly Dentist",
- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "SiteSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC"
}, - "PracticeSiteApiKeys": {
- "PrimaryKey": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
- "SecondaryKey": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
Lists practice sites in the slipstream practice registry
pageSize | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 250 ] The page number to retrieve Example: pageSize=50 |
nextPageToken | string A token retrieved from a previous request, used to retrieve the next page of results |
Sites | Array of strings or null <slug> (Slug) The slugs of the sites to return Example: Sites=s8n6EzC |
OwningOrganisations | Array of strings or null <slug> (Slug) The slugs of the owning organisation to return sites for Example: OwningOrganisations=s8n6EzC |
BillingOrganisations | Array of strings or null <slug> (Slug) The slugs of the billing organisation to return sites for Example: BillingOrganisations=s8n6EzC |
Countries | Array of strings or null <ISO-3166-3> (Country) The countries to return sites for Example: Countries=USA |
isActive | boolean or null Filter active or inactive sites. Example: isActive=false |
X-Practice-Management-Software | string (PracticeManagementSoftware) The intended practice management software for the request, used to disambiguate a pms specific identifier when you have access to multiple PMS systems. Omit this if you only have access to a single PMS.
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
curl -i -X GET \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'X-Practice-Management-Software: Unknown'
{- "Items": [
- {
- "PracticeManagementSoftware": "Unknown",
- "PmsSpecificSiteId": "04d2f2f0-8f1a-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003",
- "SiteSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "OwningOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "BillingOrganisationSlug": "s8n6EzC",
- "Name": "DentalCare Clinic",
- "Address": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "PostalAddress": {
- "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "AddressLine2": "Apt 4",
- "Locality": "San Francisco",
- "Region": "CA",
- "PostalCode": "94107",
- "Country": "USA"
}, - "Coordinates": {
- "Latitude": 37.7749,
- "Longitude": -122.4194
}, - "PhoneNumber": "+1 555-555-5555",
- "EmailAddress": "",
- "ApplicationVersion": "1.2.3",
- "Currency": "USD",
- "GooglePlaceId": "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4",
- "SiteStatus": "Operational",
], - "NextPageToken": "eyJ0eXAiOi"