Creates a user and a set of forms for them to fill out
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
required | object (FormUserRequest) A patient or provider who can be assigned forms to fill |
required | Array of objects (FormGroupWithFormsRequest) Groups of forms that the user will fill out |
The user record and corresponding forms and form groups
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "User": {
- "DisplayName": "John Smith",
- "FirstName": "John",
- "LastName": "Smith",
- "Email": "",
- "Phone": "+64 555-555-5555",
- "DateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
- "ExternalId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
}, - "FormGroups": [
- {
- "displayName": "New patient onboarding",
- "forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Demographics",
- "type": "PatientDetails",
- "initialState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "sex": "Male",
- "dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
- "occupation": "Software Engineer",
- "email": "",
- "mobilePhone": "+641234567890",
- "homePhone": "",
- "workPhone": "",
- "addressLine1": "123 Main St",
- "addressLine2": "",
- "city": "Auckland",
- "state": "",
- "postCode": "1021"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory",
- "initialState": {
- "dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
- "lifeStyle": {
- "smoke": "no",
- "chewTobacco": "no",
- "alcohol": "unsure",
- "highSugar": "yes",
- "fizzyDrinks": "yes",
- "recreationalDrugs": "unsure",
- "pregnant": "no",
- "dentistInfo": "unsure",
- "details": "Have I been brushing my teeth properly?"
}, - "heart": {
- "rheumaticFever": "no",
- "highLowBloodPressure": "yes",
- "heartSurgery": "no",
- "pacemakerFitted": "no",
- "heartMurmur": "no",
- "angina": "no",
- "thrombosis": "no",
- "otherHeartConditions": "no",
- "details": ""
}, - "blood": {
- "hepatitis": "unsure",
- "hivAids": "no",
- "abnormalBloodTest": "no",
- "bloodRefused": "unsure",
- "anaemia": "no",
- "sickleCell": "no",
- "haemophilia": "no",
- "otherBloodConditions": "unsure",
- "details": ""
}, - "allergies": {
- "penicillin": "yes",
- "hayFever": "yes",
- "antiTetSerum": "unsure",
- "eczema": "unsure",
- "generalAnaesthetic": "no",
- "localAnaesthetic": "no",
- "latexAllergy": "unsure",
- "medicines": "unsure",
- "plants": "yes",
- "foods": "no",
- "aspirin": "no",
- "otherAllergyConditions": "yes",
- "details": "Electromagnetic hypersensitivity"
}, - "warnings": {
- "hearingSightImpairment": "",
- "antibioticCover": "",
- "bruisingBleeding": "",
- "treatment": "",
- "doNotRecline": "",
- "steroids": "",
- "warningCard": "",
- "rehab": "",
- "details": ""
}, - "chest": {
- "bronchitis": "",
- "cysticFibrosis": "",
- "pleurisy": "",
- "asthmatic": "",
- "emphysema": "",
- "pneumonia": "",
- "otherChestConditions": "",
- "details": ""
}, - "other": {
- "liverDisease": "",
- "diabetes": "",
- "acidReflux": "",
- "boneJointDisease": "",
- "fainting": "",
- "pastSeriousInfection": "",
- "depressiveIllness": "",
- "nervousProblems": "",
- "severeHeadaches": "",
- "kidneyDisease": "",
- "epilepsy": "",
- "hiatusHernia": "",
- "artificialJoint": "",
- "giddiness": "",
- "cancerRadiotherapy": "",
- "stroke": "",
- "tuberculosis": "",
- "coldSores": "",
- "details": ""
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth",
- "initialState": {
- "areasOfConcern": {
- "painOrSensitivity": "yes",
- "gumsRedSwollenBleed": "yes",
- "badBreathOrTaste": "unsure",
- "dryMouth": "no",
- "difficultToChew": "yes",
- "clickingOrPainInJaw": "no"
}, - "appearance": {
- "dissatisfiedWithTeeth": "yes",
- "selfConsciousSmile": "unsure",
- "wishTeethShapedDifferently": "yes",
- "irregularlyPositionedTeeth": "yes",
- "chipsOrGaps": "yes",
- "discolouredTeeth": "unsure",
- "wishFillingMatchedColour": "unsure",
- "missingTeethConcern": "no",
- "concernedAboutWrinkles": "no",
- "wantYoungerLookingSkin": "yes"
}, - "information": {
- "adultBraces": "",
- "teethWhitening": "",
- "snoreGuards": "",
- "brushingTechnique": "",
- "stainRemoval": "",
- "invisibleBraces": "",
- "dentalImplants": "",
- "nervousVisitingDentist": "",
- "facialAestheticTreatments": ""
}, - "otherQuestions": {
- "changeSmile": "",
- "tellDentist": "I havent had my wisdom teeth removed yet",
- "relevantInformation": ""
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
}, - {
- "displayName": "NHS Practice Record Form",
- "type": "NHSPracticeRecords",
- "initialState": {
- "patientInformation": {
- "providerName": "Dr. John Doe",
- "providerAddress": "123 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8FR, United Kingdom",
- "providerLocationNumber": "123456",
- "NHSNumber": "400 000 000",
- "surname": "Smith",
- "forename": "John",
- "birthDate": "1990-01-01",
- "acceptanceDate": "2024-10-29"
}, - "ethnic": {
- "ethnicSelect": "Other mixed background",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+641234567890",
- "iagreeEmail": true,
- "iagreePhone": true
}, - "cost": {
- "reducedCostNHS": 0,
- "optionANHSDentalServices": 0,
- "optionBNHSDentalServices": 0,
- "optionCNHSDentalServices": 0,
- "optionDNHSDentalServices": 0,
- "HC2Number": "",
- "HC3Number": "",
- "NHSMaternity": "",
- "NHSTaxNumber": "",
- "college": "",
- "dateBabyDue": "",
- "dateBabyBorn": "",
- "dateBirthBenefit": "",
- "personReceivingBenefit": "",
- "insuranceNumber": "",
- "amount": ""
{- "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "FormGroups": [
- {
- "Forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Details",
- "type": "PatientDetails"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
], - "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding"
List all form users for a site
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
The user details for this site
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Items": [
- {
- "DisplayName": "John Smith",
- "FirstName": "John",
- "LastName": "Smith",
- "Email": "",
- "Phone": "+64 555-555-5555",
- "DateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
- "FormGroups": [
- {
- "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding"
], - "NextPageToken": "eyJ0eXAiOi"
Gets the details of a patient
The user record and corresponding forms and form groups
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "DisplayName": "John Smith",
- "FirstName": "John",
- "LastName": "Smith",
- "Email": "",
- "Phone": "+64 555-555-5555",
- "DateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
- "FormGroups": [
- {
- "Forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Details",
- "type": "PatientDetails"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
], - "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding"
Update a form user's patient details
Form User updated (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "DisplayName": "John Smith",
- "FirstName": "John",
- "LastName": "Smith",
- "Email": "",
- "Phone": "+64 555-555-5555",
- "DateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
- "ExternalId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Delete a form user record and all its associated form data
Form User removed (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Lists all form groups for a user
List of form groups and their associated forms
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Items": [
- {
- "Forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Details",
- "type": "PatientDetails"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
], - "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding"
Creates a form group with zero or more forms for a user to fill out
required | object (FormGroupWithFormsRequest) A group of forms to be filled by a patient or provider for a specific purpose |
The form group and corresponding forms
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "FormGroup": {
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "Forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Details",
- "type": "PatientDetails"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
{- "Forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Details",
- "type": "PatientDetails"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
], - "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding"
Get a form group and the associated forms
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
GroupSlug required |
The form group and the associated forms
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Forms": [
- {
- "displayName": "Terms and Conditions",
- "type": "TermsAndConditions"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Patient Details",
- "type": "PatientDetails"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Medical History",
- "type": "MedicalHistory"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Oral Health",
- "type": "OralHealth"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Contact Consent",
- "type": "ContactConsent"
}, - {
- "displayName": "Health Screening",
- "type": "HealthScreening"
], - "Slug": "_8n6EzC",
- "ExpiresAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DisplayName": "New patient onboarding"
Delete a form group and the associated forms
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
GroupSlug required |
Forms Group removed (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Lists all forms for a form group
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
GroupSlug required |
List of forms
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Items": [
- {
- "CurrentState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
}, - "ResponseFileUrl": null,
- "SubmittedDate": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "Slug": null,
- "Type": "MedicalHistory",
- "TypeId": "MedicalHistory",
- "DisplayName": null,
- "InitialState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
Add/Reset one form to an existing form group
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
GroupSlug required |
Form created content
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "Type": "MedicalHistory",
- "TypeId": "MedicalHistory",
- "DisplayName": null,
- "InitialState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
{- "CurrentState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
}, - "ResponseFileUrl": null,
- "SubmittedDate": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "Slug": null,
- "Type": "MedicalHistory",
- "TypeId": "MedicalHistory",
- "DisplayName": null,
- "InitialState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
Gets the form details with the user's responses
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
GroupSlug required | |
FormSlug required |
The form details
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "CurrentState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
}, - "ResponseFileUrl": null,
- "SubmittedDate": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "Slug": null,
- "Type": "MedicalHistory",
- "TypeId": "MedicalHistory",
- "DisplayName": null,
- "InitialState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
Delete a form from the group
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
GroupSlug required | |
FormSlug required |
Form removed (no content)
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "title": "The Name field is required.",
- "detail": "The Name field is required.",
- "status": 400,
- "traceId": "00-84c1fd4063c38d9f3900d06e56542d48-85d1d4-00"
Gets the form with the user's responses
SiteSlug required | string <slug> (Slug) ^[osl][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$ The Slipstream slug that uniquely identifies a physical practice Example: s8n6EzC |
UserSlug required | |
FormTypeOrId required | string <slug> The type of form to retrieve, or the form's unique identifier (TypeId) assigned by the client/PMS Example: _8n6EzC |
The form details
Malformed Request (ProblemDetails)
Unauthorized - Provide proof of identity (ProblemDetails)
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions (ProblemDetails)
Not Found - Could not find a matching entity (ProblemDetails)
Unprocessable - Request was well formed but could not be actioned (ProblemDetails)
Too many requests - Chill out (ProblemDetails)
User Error (ProblemDetails)
Server Error (ProblemDetails)
{- "CurrentState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"
}, - "ResponseFileUrl": null,
- "SubmittedDate": "2024-10-24T14:30:15+02:00",
- "Slug": null,
- "Type": "MedicalHistory",
- "TypeId": "MedicalHistory",
- "DisplayName": null,
- "InitialState": {
- "title": "Mr",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Smith"